Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Willow Foundation auction result

Thank you to everyone who supported the Willow Foundation auction, especially those who bought our paintings. The London Road Group artists raised £327 -- and 3p!

I'm not yet sure what the total amount raised is. But a few hours before the auction finished, the top twenty-five canvases alone had already raised nearly £20,000.

UPDATE 9 December: Just heard that the total amount raised is £58,000!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Michael: Roman Holiday VII

Largo di Torre Argentina, a square in the centre of Rome. The sunken area of the right, in the centre of the square, contains the remains of four Roman temples and the Pompey Theatre, on the steps of which Julius Caesar was assassinated.

Now, it's a cat sanctuary.

Largo di Torre Argentina, Rome
Ink and watercolour on paper, 28 x 9 cm. Click the picture for a bigger version.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Michael: Roman Holiday VI

Painting in public usually attracts spectators. The good thing about Rome is that there are plenty of other things to distract them. When there's the Arch of Constantine in front, the Trajan Market behind, the Forum to the right, and the Colosseum to the left, I don't get much attention.

Arch of Constantine, Rome
Ink and watercolour on paper, 28 x 9 cm. Click the picture for a bigger version.